Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jason, 18

Thrifted Shirt
Urban Outfitters Glasses
H&M shoes

Yeah. This is me. I actually spent a few hours chilling at Fourth ave, waiting for any trendy passerbys. There was no luck(everyone was probably at the University of Arizona football game or something), so I self-timed myself.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sophia, 21

Homemade dress
Pink Boots

Deidra and I caught this girl on 4th ave today. At first I didn't recognize that she was wearing a dress, I thought it was just a shirt/skirt combo. After I found out it was a handmade dress, the look became ten times better!

Deidra, 18

Top from Target
Urban Outfitters shoes
Everything else thrifted

Isn't this girl such a cutie? She's my high school friend who loves to DIY and thrift. This is why we're friends. :D

Friday, September 3, 2010

Le Quan, 19

Le Quan:
Aldo shoes

This is Le Quan, my new friend! She's pretty stylish, so say hi to her when you see her around the UA.